Morris-Berg was chosen to lead the team in collaborating with Central Piedmont on their Long Range Facilities Plan, which aimed to envision the College’s future over the next five years, 5-10 years, and 10-20 years.
Our process involved engaging the College and its community through a series of steps, including an Overview of the Institution, Environmental Scan, Existing Conditions Review, Campus and Community Engagement, Space Needs Analysis, Development of Concepts, Strategic Implementation Plan, and Development Plan.
During the Overview of the Institution and Environmental Scan, we conducted an in-depth examination of every aspect of the College in close collaboration with the Steering Committee. This included analyzing physical space inventory, existing drawings, enrollment history, and projections, among other relevant segments.
The Existing Conditions Review entailed working closely with the College’s Facilities team to assess the current buildings and their use. Our team meticulously walked through every room on every floor of each building across all campuses over a two-month period. We documented the existing conditions and categorized the buildings and their components as Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor. This holistic rating system provided a visual representation of the buildings’ needs and helped guide the Facilities Planning Process.
We conducted a comprehensive community engagement process, starting with interviews of distinguished faculty and leadership within the College. These conversations influenced in-person questionnaires and focus groups held at all six campuses. In cases where in-person meetings were not possible, we also conducted an online survey for students and faculty members.
After gathering information through our community outreach, we worked with the Steering Committee to develop the collected data into a set of Development Concepts. These Concepts informed the direction of the Implementation Plan, which outlined the phased projects for the College and what could be achieved within each of the three timelines: the first five years, year six through eleven, and beyond year eleven.